

Albion Online - Guide to Being a Good DPS
Albion Online - Guide to Being a Good DPS

In the heart of countless battles, where heroes clash and enemies crumble, lies the DPS, the Damage Per Second maestro. These formidable figures are …


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OSRS Rag and Bone Man 1 Quest Guide
OSRS Rag and Bone Man 1 Quest Guide

Rag and Bone Man I Guide OSRS Some individuals collect stamps, while others gather shoes. Your particular interest is what sets you apart. As for …


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Path of Exile 2 - Monje Build Guide
Path of Exile 2 - Monje Build Guide

The Monk in Path of Exile 2 presents itself as a surprisingly adaptable class, offering diverse viable paths. Do you prefer piercing cold or electrif…


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Path of Exile 2 - Sorceress Build Guide
Path of Exile 2 - Sorceress Build Guide

In the vast world of Path of Exile 2, magic flows through various classes, and among them, the Sorceress and the Witch stand out. Both focused on the…


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Path of Exile 2 - How to Unlock Ascendancies
Path of Exile 2 - How to Unlock Ascendancies

In Path of Exile 2, character customization is elevated to a new level with the introduction of Ascendancy classes. As you progress through the secon…


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Path of Exile 2 - Witch Build Guide
Path of Exile 2 - Witch Build Guide

The Witch class returns in Path of Exile 2 with a renewed image, but its chaotic essence remains intact. If you're wondering how to make the most…


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WoW Retail -  Mastering the Arcane Mage in TWW
WoW Retail - Mastering the Arcane Mage in TWW

Do you yearn to master the arcane arts and unleash a torrent of pure magic upon your enemies in World of Warcraft: The War Within? Then you've co…


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WoW Retail -  Mastering the Retribution Paladin in TWW
WoW Retail - Mastering the Retribution Paladin in TWW

Today, we'll delve into the exciting world of the Retribution Paladin, the sacred crusader who wields two-handed weapons to deliver punishment in…


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WoW Cataclysm - Al'Akir Boss Guide
WoW Cataclysm - Al'Akir Boss Guide

Al'Akir the Windlord is a key figure in the rich mythology of World of Warcraft, known for his great intelligence and cunning. As one of the …


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Albion Online - Red Zone Overview
Albion Online - Red Zone Overview

In Albion Online, players explore a world divided into zones, each with its own rules and resources. Among these, the Red Zone stands out for its unr…


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