
Refund Policy

You can request a refund from Virtgold in the following cases:

Your order was canceled;

Your order was not delivered 72 hours after the payment has been completed;

Extremely poor quality of service has been provided by your booster (careful investigation by the management will have to be conducted first and after that we will get back to you with the decision);

You reconsidered spending money on services, placed on the website (in case the order has already started by that time, a partial refund will be made in accordance with the current progress);

To submit a request, please contact our support team by pressing/opening our website chat.

Virtgold refund to your original method of payment rules:

We can only return money to the bank account from which your order was paid;

You can request a full or partial refund. The majority of payment systems support full refunds only. Partial refunds are available by a limited number of large payment systems, such as Paypal. Unfortunately, Virtgold can not influence this.

We only consider inquiries on the status of your refund to the original method of payment after 96 business hours have passed. After the refund to your original method of payment It might take between 1 and 14 business days to transfer the money to your personal bank account (in case you paid by card). The exact time depends on the particular payment systems. Virtgold can not influence this process.

No commission is applied to the original method of payment refunds: you should receive to your original method of payment exactly the sum you've originally paid (in case the commission has been taken at the moment of transaction by the payment system whether it is bank or Paypal, for example, it will also be returned).