
OSRS The Fremennik Isles Quest Guide

The Fremennik Isles Quest Guide OSRS

The Fremennik Isles.png

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Required Quests:

Completion of The Fremennik Trials

Required Skills:

Construction 20 Construction 

Agility 40 Agility (boostable) to optionally go to the Central Fremennik Isles mine

Prayer 43 for Protect from Melee

Required Items:

A raw tuna (obtainable during quest, with 35 fishing or bought from the shop)

Either 8 tin ores, 7 pieces of coal, or 6 mithril ores (depends on your Mining level; levels 1-9 will require tin ore, 10-54 will require coal, and 55-99 require mithril ore). Note: The ores can be noted.

9 ropes (obtainable during quest with Crafting 30 Crafting)

If the Neitiznot shield is already purchased, only 8 ropes are required.

A knife

8 split logs (obtainable during the quest with 56 Woodcutting and an axe)

a Neitiznot shield (or 56 Woodcutting, a hammer and a bronze nail)

Yak-hide armour top and legs (or 46 Crafting, a needle and two thread)

5000 coins (optional)

silly jester outfit (obtainable during quest)


Combat level 50 Combat level

A Catspeak amulet for amusing dialogue during the initial conversation with Jatizso's king

Food/armour at all times (in case you get attacked by trolls on the northern island)

Prayer potions - as there is no altar close by

Good combat equipment to kill 10 low-Defence, high-Attack monsters, and one level 122

A melee weapon and decent melee stats - as the Ice Troll King has very high Ranged and Magic Defence

An emergency teleport

Start Point:

Map icon Speak to Mord Gunnars at the northernmost dock of Rellekka

Start Point

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Before embarking on the quest, ensure that you have gathered the necessary supplies. The final boss is relatively straightforward, and you'll receive ample resources, including two prayer potions and several strength potions. You'll likely use only one prayer potion when dealing with the 10 trolls before the final fight. Equip a Neitiznot shield before starting and keep it on at all times to lower the max hit of Ranged trolls from 6 to 2. This is crucial when repairing one of the bridges and navigating the northern-most island's eastern side.

Quest Overview: The Fremennik Isles consist of interconnected islands linked by bridges. The primary villages are Neitiznot and Jatizso. Refer to the map below for a visual representation of the islands and their connections. Teleport locations indicate landing docks reachable from the most northern dock in Rellekka, courtesy of the appropriate ferry operator.

Map Overview:

File:The Fremennik Isles quest map.png

1. The court of King Gjuki Sorvott IV.

2. The court of King Mawnis Burowgar.

3. A bridge that needs repairs.

4. Another bridge that needs repairs.

5. Entrance to the Ice Troll Caves for the final battle.

King Gjuki Sorvott IV

King Gjuki Sorvott IV

Items Needed:

- Raw tuna
- 8 tin ores, 7 pieces of coal, or 6 mithril ores
- Catspeak amulet (optional, for understanding the cat)

Quest Steps:

1. Initiating the Quest:

- Talk to Mord Gunnars at the northern dock in Rellekka.

- Choose to be taken to Jatizso.

2. Meeting King Gjuki Sorvott IV:

- Speak to King Gjuki Sorvott IV in the checkered floor room.

- The king's cat intervenes, and the king requests a raw tuna for the cat.

3. Acquiring the Raw Tuna:

- Fish a raw tuna on the south pier or buy it from Flosi Dalksson in the north-eastern house.

4. Giving the Tuna to the Cat:

- Give the raw tuna to the king's cat.

- Talk to King Gjuki Sorvott IV again.

5. Mining Ores:

- Gather the specified ores based on your Mining level.

    - 8 tin 
    - 7 pieces of coal 
    - 6 mithril 

- Mine these ores at the cave below the village, accessed by exiting the west gate, going north-east, and entering the dungeon.

- Alternatively, buy coal from Hring Hring.

- Return to King Gjuki Sorvott IV and give him the ores.

6. Receiving the King's Reward:

- Receive the king's reward, which includes some coins.

7. Collecting Jester Clothes:

- Take all 4 pieces of Jester clothes from the chest behind the king's throne.

8. Returning to Rellekka and Neitiznot:

- Travel back to Rellekka by talking to Mord Gunnars on the southern dock.

- From Rellekka, travel to Neitiznot by talking to Mord's wife, Maria, who is next to where you land.

Burgher Mawnis Burowgar

Burgher Mawnis Burowgar

Items Needed:

- Silly jester costume

Quest Steps:

1. Preparing for the Jester's Performance:

- Equip all four pieces of the silly jester costume.

- Unequip any items in your weapon and shield slots.

2. Talking to Slug Hemligssen:

- Locate Slug Hemligssen behind the bank.

- Speak to Slug and say, "Free stuff please."

3. Jester's Performance for Mawnis Burowgar:

- Head to the building just south of the bank.

- Talk to Mawnis Burowgar while wearing the full jester costume.

- Entertain him by following the instructions on the jester control panel shown in the picture.

4. Monitoring the Guards' Exchange:

- Pay attention to the guards' exchange during the performance.

- Take note of the following details:

   - When do we assault the caves? - In two days.
   - How many recruits are ready? - Seventeen so far.
   - More shields are completed by noon.
   - And the armour? - I will finish their armour by tomorrow.
   - And the two bridges we need repaired. - I will fix them as soon as I can.

5. Returning to Slug Hemligssen:

- Go back to Slug Hemligssen.

- Answer Slug's questions based on the information obtained:

   - When do we assault the caves? - In two days.
   - How many recruits are ready? - Seventeen militia.
   - And the two bridges we need repaired. - 2 bridges.

6. Final Visit to Mawnis Burowgar:

- Return to Mawnis Burowgar, but this time, you do not need to wear the jester costume.

Bridge Repairs

Bridge Repairs

Items Needed:

- 8 ropes
- An axe
- 8 arctic pine logs or 8 split logs
- A knife
- Armor and food (recommended)

Quest Steps:

1. Gathering Ropes:

- Bring Mawnis Burowgar eight ropes.

- If you lack ropes, kill yaks to obtain yak hair drops and use them on the spinning wheel in the village to create ropes.

- You will keep the ropes and receive 1,000 coins.

2. Obtaining Split Logs:

- Mawnis will then ask you to get eight split logs.

- If you have 56 Woodcutting, cut eight arctic pine logs and split them on the woodcutting stump in the village.

- If your Woodcutting level is below 56, buy the split logs from other players and continue with the quest.

- Bring the split logs to Mawnis and receive another 1,500 coins.

3. Speaking to Thakkrad Sigmundson:

- Talk to the guard Thakkrad Sigmundson.

- You will be granted permission to repair the bridges.

4. Preparing for Bridge Repair:

- Be cautious, as high-level trolls may attack you in the next steps. Bring food and armor if necessary.

- Obtain a knife, eight split logs, and eight ropes from the bank.

5. Repairing the Bridges:

- Travel over the first set of bridges to reach the broken ones further north.

- Repair the bridges by right-clicking on them.

- Be mindful of trolls, some of which may use Ranged. Protect from Missiles prayer is advised, especially when repairing the eastern bridge. Prayers cannot be activated during the repair, causing damage that accumulates and is applied at once after completing the repair.

6. Returning to Mawnis Burowgar:

- Go back to Mawnis Burowgar and speak to him again.

- Receive another 1,500 coins as a reward for repairing the bridges.

7. Next Quest Objective:

- Now, the quest progresses to investigating the troll caves, but first, ensure that the other king does not misinterpret the raid on the trolls.

Tax Collector

Items Needed:

- 5,000 coins (optional)

Quest Steps:

1. Returning to Jatizso:

- Use the boat to return to Rellekka.

- Take Mord's ferry service to return to King Gjuki Sorvott IV on Jatizso.

2. Window Tax Collection:

- King Gjuki Sorvott IV requires a tax collector for the new window tax to fund the army's expenses.

- Collect taxes from the following people:

   - Hring Hring or Raum Urda-Stein at the armourer's hut (8,000 coins)
   - Skuli Myrka at the weaponsmith hut (6,000 coins)
   - Flosi Dalksson or Keepa Kettilon at the fish shop/general store (5,000 coins)
   - Vanligga Gastfrihet at the eating hall (5,000 coins) - Offer to pay her taxes for her.

3. Returning to King Sorvott:

- Return to King Gjuki Sorvott IV.

4. Facial Hair Tax Collection:

- King Sorvott now requires a tax collector for the newly invented "facial hair tax."

- Collect taxes from the following individuals:

   - Raum Urda-Stein (armour trader)
   - Hring Hring (ore trader, in the same building as Raum)
   - Skuli Myrka (weapon trader at the anvil north of Raum)
   - Flosi Dalksson (raw fish seller in the general store)
   - Keepa Kettilon (cooked fish seller in the general store)

5. Tax Bag Contents:

- The tax bag now contains 29,000 coins.

- The same taxpayer options apply as in the previous tax collection round.

6. Return to King Sorvott:

- Return to King Gjuki Sorvott IV.

7. Spying Assistance:

- The king requires more spying assistance.

- Return to Slug the spymaster in Neitiznot.


- If you don't have a Neitiznot shield and a bronze nail, buy one copper and one tin ore from Hring Hring to make a bronze bar at the clay forge in Neitiznot (or use Superheat Item).

- When returning to Jatizso later in the quest, use the anvil to make some bronze nails.

The Jester - Part 2

Items Needed:

- Silly jester costume

Quest Steps:

1. Returning to Slug:

- Return to Slug once more, wearing the silly jester costume.

2. Jester Assignment:

- Receive another assignment as a jester.

3. Capturing the Guards' Exchange:

- Pay attention to the guards' exchange:

    - What do you think of the new Burgher's Champion? - he/she seems honorable and courageous to me.
    - What about their collaboration with King Sorvott? - Well, I trust Mord Gunnars, and he works for the King.
    - And the Champion was helping you to repair the bridges. - Well yes. So are your militia ready?
    - I have them anchored near Etceteria.
    - Then I shall sail our potions to them tonight.
    - So are we ready to sail at dawn? - Absolutely, long live Burgher Burowgar.
    - And may the Troll general be short-lived.

4. Reporting to Slug:

- Return to Slug and provide a report with the following answers:

    - Where are the militia anchored? - Etceteria
    - What are you sailing to the militia tonight? - Some potions
    - What have you been doing? - I have been helping

5. Reward from Slug:

- Slug is pleased with the answers and pays another 2,500 coins.

6. Visiting King Gjuki Sorvott IV:

- Slug suggests visiting King Gjuki Sorvott IV and giving an update on the spying progress.

Traditional Fremennik Rites

Items Needed:

- A set of yak-hide armor OR 3 yak-hides
- 15 coins
- A needle and two threads
- A Neitiznot shield OR 2 arctic pine logs, 1 bronze nail, a hammer, and a rope

Quest Steps:

1. Receiving the Royal Decree:

- King Gjuki Sorvott IV gives you a Royal decree to deliver to Mawnis Burowgar.

- Note: You need 1 free inventory slot to receive the decree.

2. Talking to Mawnis Burowgar:
- Hop islands and speak to Mawnis Burowgar, who is disappointed in learning about the decree from King Sorvott.

- Remove the Jester outfit to get the correct quest dialogue from Mawnis Burowgar.

3. Ancient Neitiznot Warrior Rites:

- As the leader of the troops, go through the ancient Neitiznot warrior rites.

- First, Thakkrad Sigmundson instructs you to make yak-hide armor.

- Get three yak-hides and have them cured by Thakkrad for a fee of 5 coins per hide.

- Take a needle and thread from your inventory or a nearby shop.

- Craft the cured yak-hides into a yak-hide body (2 hides) and yak-hide chaps (1 hide).

4. Learning to Make the Neitiznot Shield:

- Talk to King Burowgar again to learn how to make a large Fremennik round shield, the Neitiznot shield.

- The Neitiznot shield is effective protection against stones thrown by trolls, reducing their max hit from 6 to 2.

5. Making the Neitiznot Shield:

- Make the Neitiznot shield on the Woodcutting stump located east of the bank.

- The shield requires two arctic pine logs, one bronze nail, a hammer, and a rope.

- Ensure you have a hammer in your inventory.

6. Returning to King Burowgar:

- Return to King Burowgar one more time.

- He declares you the champion of Neitiznot and gives you the assignment to kill the Ice Troll King and deliver his head.

By following these steps, you should successfully complete the Traditional Fremennik Rites quest and be equipped with yak-hide armor and the Neitiznot shield for the upcoming challenge against the Ice Troll King.

The Troll King

Neitiznot's champion claims the troll's head as proof of victory.

Items Needed:

- Neitiznot shield
- Food
- Armor
- A means to teleport out of the cave after killing the Troll King

Recommended Items:

- Emergency teleport
- Ring of life


- The Troll King can only be effectively killed with Melee; do not use Ranged or Magic.
- Do not use Protect from Melee against the Troll King.

Quest Steps:

1. Preparation:

- Stock up for the battle by going to the bank.

- Take a melee weapon, armor, Neitiznot shield, and plenty of good food.

- Prayer potions should not be necessary as you can obtain some for free in the cave.

- Consider bringing an emergency teleport and a ring of life.

2. Getting to the Cave:

- Equip the Neitiznot shield.

- Cross the eastern rope bridge, run north-east, and cross the next rope bridge.

- Head due north until you reach the sea, then go straight east to the north-eastern cave.

3. Healing Outside the Cave:

- There are no trolls directly outside the cave, so use this opportunity to rest and heal.

4. Entering the Cave:

- Enter the cave, and a cutscene will follow.

5. Killing Frenzied Ice Trolls:

- Kill 10 frenzied ice trolls with the help of Fremennik Honour guards.

- Be cautious of the different attacks from trolls; use Protect from Melee if you have it.

- Talk to Bork Sigmundson for tuna, strength potions, and prayer potions if needed.

- Restock supplies by talking to Bork after fighting trolls until you've mostly used your own food.

6. Crossing the Bridge:

- Once 10 trolls are killed, a message will appear stating that the bridge to the Ice Troll King can be used.

7. Facing the Ice Troll King:

- Cross the bridge, and a short cutscene will show the Troll King approaching.

- Activate Protect from Magic before or during the cutscene.

- The Troll King has a Combat level of 122 and uses a mix of attacks. Use Protect from Magic and Neitiznot shield to minimize damage.

- Do not use Protect from Melee against the Troll King.

8. Killing the Troll King:

- Defeat the Troll King using melee attacks.

- After defeating him, decapitate the head from the body.

9. Teleporting Away:

- Teleport away or return the way you came.

10. Returning to Neitiznot:

- Return to Neitiznot and talk to Burowgar.

- Give him the Troll King's head in exchange for the helm of neitiznot.

Congratulations! Quest Completed!

The Fremennik Isles reward