
Dofus - Best Harvesting Professions

In the world of Dofus, harvesting professions have long been recognized as a fundamental avenue for generating kamas. While they may not yield as much profit as crafting or magicforming, they offer a reliable method of accumulating resources without the need for significant initial investment. Instead, harvesting involves a continuous effort to gather and sell resources, gradually building wealth over time.

It's important to note that while the gains from harvesting professions may be more modest compared to other pursuits, they follow a steady and predictable trajectory. This steady income stream can be invaluable for players looking to accumulate wealth without taking on significant risks.

In the realm of harvesting professions, there is a remarkable balance among the various options available. Each profession has its strengths and unique selling points, ensuring that no single profession dominates the market entirely. This balance ensures a level playing field for all players, regardless of their chosen harvesting profession.

To illustrate this balance, we can consider the concept of thirds. While there may be minor differences between harvesting professions, these discrepancies are generally small and tend to balance out over time. Consequently, players can expect relatively consistent returns from their chosen profession, ensuring a fair and equitable experience for all.

Tier S

1. Miner: In the hierarchy of harvesting professions in Dofus, Miner reigns supreme, undoubtedly earning its place in the coveted Tier S. It stands out as the premier choice among "traditional" harvesting professions, offering a lucrative avenue for wealth accumulation. While competition exists within the Miner profession, its overall appeal and profitability remain consistently high. Moreover, recent updates to the game, particularly the overhaul of Pandala, have further streamlined the Miner's workflow by enhancing access to valuable resources such as Dolomite and Silicate. Additionally, the existence of concentrated harvesting spots ensures a more efficient and "farmable" harvest for Miners.

From a crafting standpoint, the demand for alloys, a product of mining, contributes significantly to the profession's profitability, starting as early as level 20. Even when considering temporary servers, Miner stands out as the premier profession, demonstrating its unparalleled versatility and earning potential across various gameplay environments.


2. Hunter: In parallel, Hunter holds an indispensable role within any well-rounded team composition, earning its place as a staple profession in Dofus. While its utility may be somewhat diminished when playing solo, its passive mass-generation capabilities, coupled with access to potent hunting weapons, render it an investment with almost immediate returns. The keyword here is "non-negligible," emphasizing the significant contribution that Hunter brings to the table in terms of resource acquisition and team support.


In summary, Miner and Hunter emerge as standout choices in the harvesting profession landscape of Dofus, with Miner securing its position in Tier S due to its consistent profitability and versatility, while Hunter remains an essential asset for any team, providing valuable resources and support.


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Tier A

1. Lumberjack: while sharing similarities with Miner, distinguishes itself through its focus on harvesting wood resources. Although wood gathering spots may be more scattered and rarer compared to mineral deposits, Lumberjack remains a highly appealing choice, especially when combined with other professions for harvesting paths. Saps, in particular, stand out as exceptionally profitable, while high-level wood remains in high demand within the game's economy. However, the market for wooden boards may fluctuate depending on server dynamics, influencing overall profitability.


2. Farming: On the other hand, Farmer emerges as a default profession, easily accessible and ideal for certain quest levels, such as the Emerald quest. With grouped and easily farmable spots, Farmers enjoy a straightforward path to resource acquisition. While Farmer professions may encounter lower prices for high-level resources compared to other professions, they offer a reliable and consistent method for gathering resources, contributing to a steady income stream.


3. Alchemist: In the Tier A ranking of harvesting professions in Dofus, Alchemist emerges as a versatile and profitable option, comparable in terms of scattered resource gathering to Lumberjack. Despite potentially lower selling prices for its resources compared to other professions, Alchemist maintains its profitability due to a variety of useful crafts it offers, including Teleport Potions and Perceptors.

Alchemist's scattered resource gathering pattern doesn't hinder its viability, thanks to the high demand for its crafted items and consumables within the game's economy. Teleport Potions, in particular, are indispensable for players seeking to navigate the vast world of Dofus efficiently. Additionally, Perceptors, deployed by guild members, rely heavily on Alchemist-produced items for their construction, further driving demand for Alchemist-crafted goods.

Moreover, Alchemist remains relatively simple to level, especially up to level 150, making it an accessible option for players looking to invest in a harvesting profession without encountering significant barriers to progress.


In summary, both Lumberjack and Farmer occupy Tier A positions within the harvesting profession hierarchy in Dofus. Lumberjack excels in harvesting wood resources, with profitable options such as saps and high-level wood, while Farmer provides a dependable and accessible avenue for gathering resources, albeit with potential fluctuations in market prices for certain items.

Tier B

1. Fisherman: Similar to Lumberjack and Alchemist, Fisherman faces challenges with scattered resource availability, which can impact its overall efficiency and profitability. Additionally, Fisherman lacks the same breadth of useful crafts and demand as other professions, contributing to its comparatively lower standing in the hierarchy.

Despite these limitations, Fisherman has seen increased interest, particularly following changes to the Ink Veil, which have sparked renewed attention to the profession. However, this surge in interest has come at the expense of a drop in prices for rare fish, impacting the overall profitability of Fisherman.

While fishing remains a popular and profitable activity in Dofus, especially for players with ample time to invest, it doesn't yield the same level of returns as other professions. Assembling a Fisherman profession can still be worthwhile for players who enjoy the activity and are willing to invest the time, but it may not offer the same level of profitability or demand as Tier A professions.

In summary, Fisherman occupies a Tier B position among harvesting professions in Dofus, offering a viable but less lucrative option for resource gathering. Despite its challenges, fishing remains a profitable endeavor for players with the time and inclination to invest, albeit not at the same level as Tier A professions.
